Our Staff

Our priority is on making the right diagnosis, as it is only after we discover the actual cause of a disease that we are able to provide an effective, tailored treatment. The professional health services we offer draw on our specialist knowledge and expertise, and are provided with the use of modern diagnostic equipment. Partnering VetCo.org, we take part in lifelong learning opportunities for veterinarians, thus having access to the latest scientific reports and the American diagnostic and medical standards. We strive to ensure that our services are of excellent quality and every pet receives comprehensive care.

At SpecVet, our approach is to give attention to each patient individually, so that no pet or their owner is left unacknowledged.

Thank you! We do appreciate the trust you put in us!


Marcin Suszyński, DVMMPVM

Head of the Clinic, Epidemiologist

Dr. Suszyński manages and supervises the SpecVet clinic, being responsible for its marketing strategy and transfer of high-tech diagnostic and medical procedures.

In 2004, he graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) and subsequently, having completed postgraduate studies at UC Davis, earned — as the first Pole ever — the diploma of Master of Preventive Veterinary Medicine (MPVM). Furthermore, Dr. Suszyński completed  a number of training courses (including a board-certification training program) in Poland and abroad, in the field of public health protection and animal hygiene. He is an expert in epidemiology and biosecurity, as well as zoonotic diseases and the so called strategic diseases.

Earlier in his professional career, Marcin was involved in veterinary border control and avian transportation. At that point in his career, Dr. Suszyński also used to give lectures to postgraduate students at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), and teach classes on infectious diseases to English-speaking students. Today, Marcin is dedicating his time and efforts to developing continuous education programs for veterinarians. Thanks to his international business and academic contacts, Dr. Suszyński invites eminent professors of international repute and top-class experts in various fields of veterinary medicine to give lectures and presentations in Poland.

Agnieszka Neska-Suszyńska, DVM

National Consultant of Nephrology and Urology, Chief of Staff Veterinarian

Dr. Agnieszka Neska-Suszyńska specializes in treating patients with kidney and urinary tract diseases, as well as in diagnosing endocrine disorders. In her Reference Veterinary Practice in Ursynów (a district of Warsaw), she consults nephrology cases from all over Poland, offering modern and comprehensive diagnostics and advanced medical treatments, including renal replacement therapies, such as hemodialysis.

Agnieszka graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) in 2006. Subsequently, she set out to gain expertise and develop her skills under the supervision of the best American veterinary internists at the Animal Medical Center in New York and at UC Davis (where she assisted in pioneering clinical trials, consulted atypical nephrology and intoxication cases, and applied specialist treatments involving hemodialysis and other detoxification techniques).

Dr. Agnieszka Neska-Suszyńska’s professional interests cover detoxification techniques, renal transplantation, glomerular diseases, and renal-origin anemias.

Grzegorz Bogdański, DVM

Surgeon, Surgery and Orthopedics Consultant

Dr. Grzegorz Bogdański graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). Having practiced for several years, in 2010, he completed a postgraduate Veterinary Surgery Training Program at the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences and became a board-certified Veterinary Surgeon. Grzegorz attended a number of prestigious international congresses featuring presentations and lectures by UC Davis experts such as Philipp Mayhew, William Culp, Tamara Grubb and Howard Seim III, as well as workshops with Rafael Lourenço (daroplasty), Frédéric Sanspoux (osteosynthesis MIPO) and Filippo Maria Martini (TTA/TPLO).

His main clinical interests cover surgery of the urinary tract, orthopedics and regenerative medicine. At SpecVet, he performs surgical treatment of ectopic ureters, cystotomy, ureterostomy, nephrectomy and ureteral stenting.

Marta Romańska, DVM

Surgeon, Surgery Consultant, incl. oncological surgery, Small Animal Medicine Specialist

Marta Romańska graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Warsaw in 2006. In her work, she deals mainly with surgery, including oncological surgery of dogs and cats, and she has been developing in this direction for 15 years.

She is carrying out her PhD at the Department of Small Animal Surgery and Anaesthesiology at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. She conducts classes in small animal surgery for Polish and English-speaking students of the fifth and sixth year of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Warsaw.

In 2012, she passed the state examination, obtaining the title of specialist surgeon, and in 2017, the title of specialist in diseases of dogs and cats. She participates in courses on soft tissue surgery and oncology surgery (including ESAVS courses — European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies) and numerous conferences on oncological surgery of dogs and cats. She is the author of several scientific studies, mainly in the field of small animal surgery.

In her free time she rests intensively practicing sports.

Uladzislau Stsepaniak, DVM

Ophthalmology Consultant, Surgeon

Graduated from Grodno State University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 2019.
After graduation, worked for three years as a soft tissue surgeon in clinics in Grodno. Participant of a large number of conferences and master classes. In 2021, he completed the course “Veterinary Ophthalmology. From cornea to retina” IVC MBA, Moscow. Annual participant of the section “Ophthalmology” at the NVS International Conference, Moscow.

In 2024 confirmed his diploma at SGGW, Warsaw.

Liubou Sitsko, DVM

Internist, Surgeon

She’s been dreaming of becoming a veterinarian since she was a child. She started working at a clinic in Brest a long time before graduating because veterinary is her passion. Finally, in 2019, she graduated from the Vitebsk Academy of Veterinary Medicine and made her dream come true. She works as a surgeon and internist at the Specvet clinic.
Always interested in new knowledge in veterinary medicine, take part in courses and seminars with pleasure. She constantly develops her skills, especially in the field of surgery.

In her free time, she like to ride a bike and visit new places.

Aleksandra Kaliciecka, DVM


She graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Warsaw University of Life Sciences. During her studies, she gained the experience and skills necessary to start independent work actively volunteering at veterinary clinics. Over time, she directed her professional interests towards neurology and behavioral science.

She constantly deepens and updates her knowledge by participating in courses and training sessions held both in Poland and abroad. She holds the title of dog and cat behaviorist.

She shows great empathy and a gentle approach in her interactions with patients. She always strives to help owners understand the health problems of their pets so that they can cope with them as best possible.

Privately, she is the owner of three adorable cats.

Paulina Guzowska, DVM


Absolwentka Wydziału Medycyny Weterynaryjnej SGGW w Warszawie od 2019 roku. Od początku poświęciła się pracy w lecznicy całodobowej chcąc zdobyć jak największe doświadczenie kliniczne. Fascynacja zaburzeniami neurologicznymi sprawiła, że obecnie konsultuje neurologicznie. Wiedzę zdobywała szkoląc się w Polsce i za granicą na wykładach i konferencjach z neurologii oraz z tomografii komputerowej. W swojej pracy cechuje się empatią w stosunku do swoich pacjentów, a jej zamiłowanie do neurologii zainicjowane było pojawieniem się objawów neurologicznych u jej dwóch kotek.

Dagmara Majewska - stomatologia | SpecVet

Dagmara Majewska, DVM

Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery Consultant

Dr. Dagmara Majewska graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW).

She completed three internships on veterinary dentistry and maxillofacial surgery at UC Davis, Cornell University and the University of Wisconsin, the first two of which are recognized as the best veterinary schools in the world, setting direction of development in this field of veterinary medicine. In the course of those internships, she consulted complicated clinical cases, interpreted advanced imaging studies results, including cone beam computed tomography, and assisted in complex surgical procedures and scientific research projects. While still a student at the vet faculty, Dagmara completed work placements at the largest animal hospital in Europe, i.e. the Royal Veterinary College in London, where she worked at the cardiology and intensive care sections, and in the Companion Animal Hospital at the Copenhagen University in Denmark, where she was broadening her knowledge and developing her skills in treating internal diseases and interpreting diagnostic imaging.

Dagmara attended a number of international veterinary conferences held in Poland and abroad, including a BSAVA congress in Birmingham in 2015 and an EVDC congress in Ghent. She has co-authored scientific publications on veterinary dentistry.

Katarzyna Kowalczuk, DVM

Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery Consultant

She graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Warsaw in 2015. However, since high school she has been gaining experience through numerous apprenticeships and internships. Since the beginning of her clinical work, she has been passionate about dentistry and the diagnostics of oral cavity diseases and now for over 3 years, she has been consulting dental patients in Warsaw and the surrounding area.

She is a graduate of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree dentistry course of PSLWMZ recognized by ESAVS with the European Master Program. Additionally, she is a member of European Veterinary Dental Society (EVDS) and the dental section of the Polish Association of Small Animal Veterinarians.

Since 2006, she is also an active member of the Kennel Club in Poland, cooperating with breeders and spreading education on the prevention of oral diseases.

Privately, she loves spending time with her family members including her three English Setters — Pasja, Ryś and Liko and turtle, Stefan.

Wojciech Kowalczyk, DVM

Surgeon, Endoscopy Consultant

Kowalczyk DVM, graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at University of Life Sciences in Lublin followed by surgical specialization at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Olsztyn. He is the owner of the ENDOVET clinic in Grójec and the inventor of the first Polish veterinary startup.

He performs endoscopy — gastroscopy, rhinoscopy, bronchoscopy, colonosc¹opy, laryngoscopy, cystoscopy and otoscopy.

Since 2005 he has worked as a clinician. Therefore, his experience is supported by countless procedures performed. He is also the author of scientific articles about veterinary endoscopy and the author and organizer of training courses regarding small animals’ gastroscopy and rhinoscopy.

His passion for veterinary medicine began in childhood. Thanks to his parents, that were also veterinarians, who inspired him to work in this profession. Nowadays, Dr. Kowalczyk shares his passion with others. It is nearly impossible to count how many patients he examined and how many doctors and students he trained.

At last, but not least, in his free time Dr. Kowalczyk goes windsurfing, kitesurfing, snowboarding or skateboarding and looks after two cats.

Aleksandra Talma - anestezjologia | SpecVet

Aleksandra Talma, DVM

Internist, Intensive Care Specialist, Anesthesiologist

Dr. Aleksandra Talma is a graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). In her practice, she uses her extensive expertise in veterinary anesthesiology and inhalant anesthesia machines. Aleksandra did a number of internships, working with specialists, and attended numerous conferences and workshops on anesthesiology. She sees patients in veterinary clinics in Warsaw and supports them by sharing her experience in perioperative care. Dr. Talma is a member of the Veterinary Anaesthesia School for Technicians (VASTA) and the  Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists (AVA). She has been a consultant at SpecVet since November 2017. Aleksandra’s hobbies include, in addition to veterinary anesthesia, horseback riding and good music.

Patrycja Akszak-Okińczyc, DVM

Endoscopy, Anesthesiology, Intensive Care

Graduate from Warsaw University of Life Science in 2015. As a child she was treating all toy dogs. While studying, she took many interesting practices, for example in ZOO, where she had an opportunity to treat lions. After graduation she started working in large Warsaw 24h Vet Clinic with many works shifts as well as night duties. This job gave her experience and chance to acknowledge with the work on emergency cases. She is interested in anaesthesiology, endoscopy and working in intensive care unit, which is the reason why she was participating in many Polish and International conferences on those topics, for example EVEEC in Tallin, PSLWMZ or WSAVA. Member of VASTA. Endoscopic removal of foreign bodies is her favorite part of work.

Her biggest passion is show jumping. Also, she has 3rd place in Poland Championship in compact sporting. Endoscopic removal of foreign bodies is the best part of her job.

Kinga Glabas, DVM

Internist, Anesthesiologist

Kinga Anna Glabas graduated from the faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in 2018. Since her early student days, she has worked at a 24-hour clinic gaining experience from countless difficult challenging cases. After her graduation she attended VASTA which is the school of anesthesia under the supervision of Peter Krohnen (VASTA founder, president of Association of Veterinary Anesthetists) . She has gained over the years tremendous knowledge in anesthesiology and from countless other specialist courses. In the field of veterinary medicine , the issues related to anesthesia, pain therapy, emergency medicine and respiratory diseases has always interested Kinga Kłoczko the most. 

Besides her expertise and passion in veterinary medicine , she is a jazz violinist , owner of energetic porcelain dog named Beat . On her recreational free time she enjoys good tea and fine wine with her friends.

Julia Pezdek, DVM

Internist, Anesthesiologist

Dr. Julia Pezdek is a graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). During and after her studies, she completed many practices in several small clinicsas well as in large 24-hour clinic, where she gained knowledge in the field of anaesthesiology, internal medicine and emergency medicine.
She is mainly interested in anaesthesiology. She constantly develops her knowledge in this field by participating in many courses. In 2022, she successfully completed a full one-year specialist course at the International School of Veterinary Anaesthesiology VASTA.
In her leisure time, she likes good TV series, books, board games and travelling, especially around Europe and Africa.

Małgorzata Łuczak, DVM


Ukończyła Wydział Medycyny Weterynaryjnej SGGW w 2010 roku w Warszawie. Zainteresowanie leczeniem i pomaganiem zwierzętom zawdzięcza swojemu tacie, który również jest lekarzem weterynarii i od ponad 30 lat zajmuje się medycyną koni. Lek. wet. Małgorzata Łuczak na co dzień znieczula pacjentów do zabiegów chirurgicznych. Główna rola anestezjologa opiera się na eliminacji bólu w całym okresie około-zabiegowym, nie mniej istotną rolą to monitorowanie różnych funkcji życiowych pacjenta w trakcie zabiegu, a na koniec operacji anestezjolog zapewnia maksymalny komfort pacjentowi w trackie wybudzania i wychodzenia ze znieczulenia.
Medycyna weterynaryjna podążając torem medycyny ludzi rozwija się niesłychanie szybko, dlatego lek. wet. M. Łuczak nieustannie poszerza swoją wiedzę i umiejętności na licznych szkoleniach, konferencjach oraz kongresach. Wizytowała referencyjne Kliniki Weterynaryjne w Europie, m.in. Uniwersytecką Klinikę w Wiedniu oraz w Liverpoolu, te wyjazdy umożliwiły jej  obserwację pracy specjalistów na światowym poziomie. W Polsce stara się pracować na wysokim europejskim poziomie z dbałością o szczegóły, tak aby każdy pacjent miał zapewnioną maksymalną opiekę oraz indywidualne podejście.

Dorota Sztechman, DVM

Cardiology Consultant, Echocardiogram Specialist

Dr. Dorota Sztechman graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). At present, she is a Research Assistant at the Chair and Department of Experimental and Clinical Physiology of the Medical University of Warsaw, working on her PhD in cardiovascular pathophysiology. Dorota completed numerous courses and trainings in cat and dog cardiology. Based on ECG and ECHO tests, blood pressure measurements and thoracic X‑rays, she consults her small patients and builds tailor-made therapies. 

In her private life, she belongs to two Maine Coons, Tosia and Lenka. 

Małgorzata Tywoniuk, DVM

Cardiology Consultant, Echocardiogram Specialist

Małgorzata Tywoniuk specializes in veterinary cardiology. She is a member of the European Association of Veterinary Cardiology (ESVC). In 2016, she completed specialization studies at the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, obtaining the title of specialist radiologist. She completed specialist courses in veterinary cardiology at the University of Luxembourg organized by ESAVS (European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies). She completed internships in London. She is a specialist a.o. in echocardiography and life-saving procedures. She treats cardiac patients. She gained over 15 years of experience in the profession in a 24-hour clinic, so the specificity of emergency/critical care cases is well known to her. 

Her professional interests include diagnosis of chest diseases as well as prevention and treatment of brachycephalic breeds. Running is her second passion after work.

Martyna Ochocka, DVM

Pulmonary and Cardiology Consultant, Small Mammals Ultrasound Consultant

Martyna Ochocka graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Warsaw. She consults and treats animals with pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases and also performs lung ultrasound and echocardiography examinations in exotic patients — including ferrets, rabbits, rats, guinea pigs and chinchillas. She gained her first experience as a student at the Specialized Veterinary Clinic VETcardia with a cardio-pulmonary profile. Martyna has completed numerous trainings — including courses organized by ESAVS (European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies, Cardiology I‑III) and a transthoracic lung ultrasound course for human medicine in Poland.

Magdalena Ziółek, DVM

Radiologist, USG Consultant

Dr. Magdalena Ziółek is a graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). In 2013, she became a board-certified Veterinary Radiologist. 

Her main professional interest is ultrasound diagnostics of lung and chest diseases. Magdalena completed a number of courses and attended numerous symposia in the field of diagnostic imaging, including ones intended for human medicine doctors. Dr. Ziółek also teaches postgraduate training courses for veterinarians in the field of ultrasound examination. 

In her private life, she is a pointer owner and a running enthusiast.

Urszula Jankowska, DVM

Oncology Consultant

Absolwentka Wydziału Medycyny Weterynaryjnej Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Specjalizuje się w onkologii klinicznej psów i kotów. W trakcie pracy doktorskiej poświęconej chłoniakom T‑komórkowym u psów, którą planuje zakończyć w tym roku.

Ukończyła kurs II stopnia w zakresie onkologii małych zwierząt w European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies (ESAVS) oraz liczne szkolenia i kongresy poświęcone szerokiej tematyce onkologii psów i kotów. Dodatkowo wiedzę internistyczną poszerza biorąc udział w specjalizacji z chorób psów i kotów na Uniwersytecie Przyrodniczym we Wrocławiu.

Autorka licznych publikacji, także w zagranicznych czasopismach weterynaryjnych. Swoją wiedzą dzieli się z innymi lekarzami weterynarii podczas szkoleń i webinariów, a także ze studentami w ramach fakultetu z onkologii psów i kotów.

Członek Sekcji Onkologii Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Lekarzy Weterynarii Małych Zwierząt (PSLWMZ) oraz European Society of Veterinary Oncology (ESVONC).

Od lat współpracuje z dr n. wet. Dariuszem Jagielskim i prof. dr hab. Rafałem Sapierzyńskim.

Prywatnie domatorka, uwielbiająca spędzać czas czytając kryminały z kocią asystentką o wdzięcznym imieniu Zdzirka.

Małgorzata Krechowiecka, DVM

Dermatology Consultant

Małgorzata Krechowiecka, DVM; graduated from Warsaw University of Life Sciences in 2005
(Faculty of Veterinary Medicine). During the course of her studies she started working in large 24/7 veterinary clinics in Warsaw, gaining experience in internal medicine. She participated in numerous workshops and academic conferences. Patients with dermatological and behavioral issues are her main interest. In 2012 she passed a specialization exam obtaining a title of a Small Animal Internal Medicine Specialist. In 2013 she graduated from a yearly study by Joanna Iracka, DVM, “A Cat – Normal Behavior and Behavioral Disorders” and obtained a behaviorist title. Her main professional focus is to diagnose and cure patients with dermatological issues.

Privately she owns a cat named Virus.

Natalia Mazurek, DVM

Internist, hematologist

Graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Since her early student years she has gained experience in many veterinary clinics in Warsaw. She completed internships abroad at a clinic and shelter in Cyprus and an emergency clinic in the UK.

She also completed an internship in a veterinary laboratory, where she expanded her knowledge in hematology and cytology. During her studies, she was a member of the International Veterinary Medical Student Association IVSA. She continues to broaden her knowledge by attending numerous conferences, training sessions and by reading specialist literature.


She currently devotes herself to the practice of internal medicine in dogs and cats. Proper diagnosis and patient comfort are her main goals.

Her interests include hematology, oncology and dermatology. She plans her further development in these areas.  She loves to explore the fascinating micro world through the lens of a microscope

Anna Kornecka — Kupczyńska, DVM

Internist, Nephrology, Urology and Endocrinology Consultant

Dr. Anna Kornecka-Kupczyńska graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) in 2010. She developed her knowledge and skills by working in 24h vet clinics and participating in numerous conferences and trainings. In 2017, after three years of postgraduate studies, she obtained the title of specialist in canine and feline diseases. The fields of veterinary medicine that she is most passionate about are critical care, nephrology and endocrinology.

She likes to spend her free time in nature exploring forest trails during hiking and biking tours.

Martyna Posłuszny, DVM

Internist, Nephrology and Urology Consultant

Dr. Martyna Posłuszny is a graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). In the course of her studies, she completed an internship at the “Jaggy” hospital in Brno and at “Blue Cross” in London. As part of the “Erazmus+” program, Martyna did a two-month internship at the reference university hospital in Murcia. She also worked as a volunteer at the TailTorrox dog shelter in Spain and at a veterinary clinic in Thailand. During her university years, Martyna was an active member of the International Veterinary Students’ Association (IVSA), and studied in Germany, Great Britain and Slovakia as part of student exchange programs. 

Dr. Posłuszny joined SpecVet in 2016.

Agnieszka Zyzda - interna | SpecVet

Agnieszka Zyzda-Jastrzębska, DVM

Internist, Nephrology and Urology Consultant

Dr. Agnieszka Zyzda graduated from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Agnieszka gained professional experience in Bielsko-Biała, where, under the supervision of experienced practitioners, she improved her skills in internal medicine, veterinary imaging and the basics of surgery. Dr. Zyzda keeps broadening her knowledge by participating in a variety of veterinary conferences. At the same time, she is focusing her practice on dog and cat behavior, willing to share her knowledge during consultations. When consulting her patients, Agnieszka always endeavors not only to make the right diagnosis, but also to take care of the patient’s well-being. Dr. Zyzda’s professional interests focus on internal medicine. 

In her spare time, she likes planning further journeys and hiking with friends, especially in her beloved Beskid Mountains.

Natalia Kruk, DVM

Internist, Nephrology and Urology Consultant

Natalia Kruk graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) at Warsaw.Since her early student days, she has worked at a 24-hour clinic gaining experience from countless difficult challenging cases. After graduation, she’s worked as a general practitioner as well as provided care for patients in emergency setting.

She is invested in internal medicine but her particular areas of interest evolve around emergency medicine, ultrasound diagnostics and dermatology. She is constantly expanding her knowledge by participating in conferences and training courses and reading specialist literature.

In her spare time, she enjoys reading books in the company of her beloved cat named Kota, as well as travelling and meeting friends.

Paulina Kortas, DVM

Internist, Nephrology and Urology Consultant

Graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Wrocław University of Life Sciences. She received the title of veterinarian in 2020. Immediately after graduation, she started working as an internist, facing many clinical cases.
She develops her knowledge and skills by taking part in numerous conferences, trainings and online courses. She directs her veterinary interests towards internal diseases of dogs and cats. She always tries to find a good contact with the owner and the “golden mean” in the treatment of our loved ones. She considers calmness, individual approach and inquisitiveness as the basis of good patient management. 

Privately, a wife and “mom” of two lovely cats Ayla and Kulson. She spends her free time relaxing by traveling and enjoying moments with friends. 

Anna Borek, DVM


A graduate of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. From her early student years, she practiced in many Warsaw veterinary clinics dealing not only with dogs and cats, but also with exotic animals. She completed foreign internships in clinics in Italy and Belgium, learning under the guidance of the best European specialists in the field of computed tomography and emergencies. While still a student, she developed scientifically by participating in research and scientific clubs.

Her main interests include imaging diagnostics and internal diseases — in this direction she conducts her postgraduate education actively and passively by participating in conferences, workshops and webinars.

She cares about every patient and pays a lot of attention to the doctor-owner relationship because in her opinion it is the most important in any therapeutic process. 

Veterinary medicine is her greatest hobby and passion — she tries to devote every free moment to developing her knowledge in order to best help her patients and their owners.

Maria Czajkowska, DVM


Maria Czajkowska is a graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin. While still a student, she spent every summer learning from the outstanding veterinarian Leonard Gugała in Szczecin. Right after graduation, she started working in the largest 24-hour veterinary clinic in Lublin, where she spent 3 years. She mainly cared for hospital patients and provided anesthesia for surgical procedures.
She is interested in internal medicine and diagnostics in general, as well as emergency medicine. Currently Maria is in the senior year of specialization at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.
Privately, she is a volleyball and hiking enthusiast. Helenka’s mother and the owner of cat named Grażynka.

Hanna Omelańczuk, DVM


A graduate of the Warsaw Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Already halfway through her studies, she started working at an emergency clinic, where she gained experience dealing with a large number of complex cases. After obtaining the title of veterinarian, she worked as a hospital doctor, providing care for patients requiring intensive therapy. Her areas of interest include emergency medicine and surgery. She continuously expands her knowledge by attending conferences and training sessions across Poland.

In her private life, she is a basketball player and the owner of three rescued cats.

Małgorzata Winecka-Şahingöz, DVM


Graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). While still a student, she participated in numerous foreign congresses and symposia for veterinary students, she co-organized couple of them. She is interested in treating internal diseases of dogs and cats, and she is particularly excited about gastroenterology and laboratory diagnostics. She constantly improves her qualifications by participating in numerous symposia and workshops. 

A lover of cats and molosser dogs, Great Danes are her passion. Her hobbies include dancing, playing the drums and all kinds of physical activity.

She accepts both English-speaking and Turkish-speaking patients.

Łukasz Skomorucha, DVM

Specialist in diseases of non-domesticated animals 

He graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) in 2010. Two years later, he began specialization, obtaining the title of Specialist in Non-domesticated Animal Diseases in 2014. During his studies, he completed internship at the Warsaw Zoo, and from the beginning of his professional career, he focused on helping less typical patients, in particular reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates.

He is the author of publications in the veterinary trade and popular press. As a speaker, he gave lectures during specialization classes, as well as at conferences for students of SGGW, UR in Cracow, UW‑M in Olsztyn and UP in Wroclaw.

Privately, he is fascinated by nature and it’s the richness. He runs the Facebook profile “Naturalnie w Warszawie, czyli nie samą weterynarią żyje człowiek” where he introduces to readers secrets of biological knowledge and the nuances of veterinary work.

Dominika Szadkowska, DVM

Internist, Specialist in diseases of non-domesticated animals

A graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Warsaw University of Life Sciences, specializing in small mammal internal medicine, with a primary focus on rabbits and rodents. Throughout and after her studies, she honed her expertise through participation in conferences, specialized courses, and guidance from prominent Polish small mammal medicine experts. In 2020, she completed an externship at Melbourne Rabbit Clinic and Ringwood Vet Hospital & Emergency in Australia.

In 2022, she earned the title of specialist in non-domesticated animal diseases and continues her professional growth through ongoing doctoral studies.

Privately, she possesses a fervent passion for travel and proudly cares for a delightful toller named Kido.

Małgorzata Krasowska, DVM

Internist, Small Mammal Surgery and Orthopedics Consultant

She earned her veterinary degree from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in 2013. Since her studies, she has been developing her interest in surgery by practicing in various Warsaw clinics. For the past 8 years, she has been exclusively treating and operating on small mammals. In addition to her excellent skills in soft surgery, she also has extensive experience related to orthopedics. She constantly expands her knowledge by attending courses, conferences and specialty studies.

Privately, she owns a dog, 2 cats and a hamster she saved from euthanasia.

Paulina Bindas, DVM

Internist, Small Mammals Cardiology Consultant

She earned her veterinary degree from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in 2022. She started gaining her knowledge and experience in the field of medicine of small exotic mammals from the second year of her studies, working as an assistant veterinarian and then as an internist in one of Warsaw’s clinics. During her studies, she was actively involved in the Scientific Circle of Veterinary Medicine, including as President of the Board in 2020/2021. She continues her scientific pursuits with a PhD studies in guinea pig and rabbit cardiology. She tries to constantly broaden her knowledge by participating in courses and trainings. 

Privately, she is the caretaker of a rambunctious herd of three guinea pigs — Frania, Gizmo and Bibi — and a springer spaniel named Locia.

Monika Golińska-Walczak, DVM

Small Mammals Internist

DVM Monika Golińska is a graduate of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. From the beginning of her studies, she was gaining experience by working in animal hospitals and clinics in Warsaw, due to the emphasis on small mammals medicine. During her studies, she
participated in the Scientific Society of Veterinary Medicine Students WULS-SGGW, exploring issues related to ureteral stones in male guinea pigs and hyperthyroidism in guinea pigs. DVM Monika constantly expands her knowledge by following the latest scientific publications and participating in small mammals scientific events and workshops.
In her clinical practice she takes care of each patient individually and puts great emphasis on cooperation with the Owner

Privately, she is a dedicated owner of four guinea pigs — Szprotka, Panga, Krystyna and

Kaja Bohdanowicz, DVM

Radiologist, Small Mammals Ultrasound Consultant

Kaja Bohdanowicz graduated Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in 2012. She obtained the title of veterinary radiology specialist in 2019. She is involved in ultrasound diagnostics of small mammals for 8 years. She gained professional experience both in Poland during her clinical work and during a year-long stay in Malaysia where she practised at places such as Bangsar Veterinary Clinic & Surgery in Kuala Lumpur and  LASSie Animal Shelter & Sanctuary Foundation on Langkawi Island.

Privately, she is the caretaker of a pair of chinchillas, a lover of board games, yoga and orienteering rallies.

Dominika Jankowska, DVM

Small Mammals Ultrasound Consultant

She graduated from the faculty of Veterinary Medicine at SGGW in Warsaw. She gained experience during internships in the Warsaw zoological garden and in a specialized veterinary clinic. After graduating in 2019, she started working in a veterinary clinic dealing mainly with small mammals, but also with more exotic species. Currently, she performs ultrasound examination of exotic animals. She constantly expanding her knowledge by participating in many workshops and webinars. She also conducts training in the field of ultrasound of exotic animals for veterinarians. 

Privately, she is interested in sports, dietetics and terraristics. In her free time, she loves to spend time actively in the bosom of nature. 
She is the owner of Furia the cat, Rudi the bearded dragon, Double the crested gecko and Reggie the ball python. 


Anna Misior-Mąka


She graduated from the Studium Fizjoterapii Zwierząt in Warsaw and has been dealing with animal physiotherapy for a long time. She uses the professional experience gained during numerous trainings in her work with animals. She works, among others, in the field of manual therapy, tool therapy, scar therapy. She completed training in the field of orthopedic measurements and making casts necessary for the production of prostheses and orthoses for animals. President of the Foundation for Animals Akity w Potrzebie. 

Privately, she look after two cats and dog rase Akita.

Katarzyna Skoczylas-Żychska

Zoophysiotherapist, dog fitness Instructor, Veterinary Assistant

Katarzyna earned her MSc degree from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, majoring in breeding and preservation of wild and companion animals. She completed student internships at the Rehabilitation Center for Protected Species in Przemyśl and at the Wrocław ZOO. During her studies, in 2017, she also became a small animal physiotherapist, having completed a training course at the Animal Physiotherapy Study Center in Warsaw. Katarzyna participated in an Erasmus+ international internship program, gaining professional experience at veterinary physiotherapy centers in Europe, such as Eurotierklinik in Majorca and Centro de Reabilitação Animal da Arrábida in Portugal, under the supervision of Doctor Angela Martins. She keeps improving her skills and gaining professional knowledge by attending various seminars and trainings.

In her spare time, Katarzyna is a lover of travelling, and especially of trips with a dog, and a great fan of her two black mongrels named Elmo and Kokos.


Jacek Wilczak, DVM, PhD 

Consultant Dietitian

Dr. Jacek Wilczak – a specialist in nutrition, diet-prophylaxis, and diet-therapy of dogs and cats diseases. Assistant professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Dietetics of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). He conducts classes in the field of animal physiology, physiology of nutrition and dietetics for students of veterinary medicine, biology, biotechnology and zootechnics. The owner of DietaPeta, which provides professional nutritional and dietary advice for dog and cat owners, cooperates with veterinarians to choose the proper diet for sick dogs and cats. Veterinary nutritionist specializing in diet-therapy of metabolic and gastrointestinal tract diseases, geriatrics, and others.

An owner of chocolate Labrador and tri-color Cavalier King Charles Spaniel — so he knows from personal experience how important a properly balanced diet is for the proper growth and development of each dog.

Author of scientific and popular science publications in the field of dietetics, diet-prophylaxis and the use of biologically active compounds in human and animal nutrition. An important element of his research work is the study of the mechanisms responsible for the formation of diet-related diseases. An “advocate” of spreading knowledge among animal owners about responsible and conscious nutrition of their charges.

Berenika Niesłuchowska-Kasprzycka

Consultant Dietitian, Feline Behaviorist

Berenika specializes in dog and cat nutrition. Prepares nutritional plans for animals, both sick and healthy. Works on commercial foods and diets prepared at home (including the BARF diet). She is a certified cat behaviorist (Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. ks. Józefa Tischnera w Krakowie). She is popularizing knowledge of animal nutrition and behavior on the website Kotuszkowo.pl. Berenika also is the author of articles published in trade journals for animal caretakers. 

Privately, the owner of 3 cats and a dog.

Anna Kowalska

Consultant Dietitian, Veterinary Assistant

Anna graduated with a master’s degree from the Faculty of Animal Breeding, Bioengineering and Conservation at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. She also obtained her Veterinary Technitian degree in 2018. Ania’s special interest is clinical nutrition of dogs and cats, and it is in this direction that she develops all the time, keeping her vision up-to-date and participating in numerous courses and trainings on companion animal nutrition. She prepares individually designed nutrition plans based on a comprehensive nutritional assessment of the patient.

Privately, she is the caretaker of Dora, a dog adopted from a shelter.

Support staff

Dagmara Przybysz, MSc

Diagnostic Laboratory Manager

Dagmara graduated from the Faculty of Biology at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), majoring in microbial biology. Her love for animals brought her to SpecVet in December 2013, and since then she has been responsible for the laboratory equipment, analyses and blood counts, and microscopic examinations. 

She owns two queens: Arya, a calico kitty, and a tricolor Lilo.

Urszula Łazowska

Small Mammal Veterinary Technician

She obtained the title of veterinary technician in 2018 and since then she has gained experience working with small exotic mammals. Initially, she refined her skills by helping with internal medicine appointments and caring for hospital patients. After completing a course in veterinary anesthesiology for veterinary technicians, she specializes in assisting in surgical procedures and post-operative care. She is continuously developing her knowledge by participating in courses and trainings.

Privately a guinea pig lover, she takes care of an ever-growing herd — Milka, Muffina and Tofik. In her life journey she is accompanied by her husband Maciek and beloved dog Pixel.

Maja Miciałkiewicz

Veterinary Technician

Maja Miciałkiewicz is a veterinary technician, she obtained her title in 2018. While she was studying, she gained experience as a volunteer and trainee at numerous clinics in Warsaw, working with both dogs and cats, as well as exotic animals. She expands her knowledge by taking part in many courses and trainings in such areas as physiotherapy and animal behaviorism. She is a certified dog trainer and zoopsychologist. In our clinic she takes care of exotic animals. She is highly committed, patient and careful in her work, both during internal medicine visits and surgery. Her tasks also include caring for hospital patients in serious condition.


In her free time, she enjoys long walks away from traffic jams, with her dog Kenzo as companion. On her free weekends, she loves riding horses — it has been her passion since she was a child.

Barbara Wertelecka-Zielińska

Veterinary Technician

In 2020 she graduated from the Faculty of Breeding, Bioengineering and Animal Protection of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.  In the meantime, she obtained the title of veterinary technician, completed courses on dog and cat massage and obtained a grooming certificate. Helping in the office and caring for hospital patients gives her the greatest joy. 


Chihuahua dogs stole her heart and she plans to adopt this breed in the future.

Wiktoria Izdebska

Veterinary Technician

In 2020 she finished a 4‑year veterinary technical school. After school, she started working in one of Warsaw’s 24-hour clinics, which gave her a lot of experience for further work.

Since 2024, she have become very interested in animal behaviorism. She hope in the future she will be able to combine both areas so that dog and cat patients feel as comfortable as possible during visits and stays in the hospital.

Privately, I am the owner of irish setter dog named Rysa. Free time I love spending on all kinds of sports activities.

Anna Kowalska

Currently a student at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at SGGW in Warsaw. She earned her law degree from the University of Warsaw in 2020. Despite her legal background, she found her true passion in working with animals. She is especially interested in surgery and cardiology and hopes to specialise in these areas after graduating. 

In her free time, she enjoys hiking, sailing, swimming, and taking care of her cat, Kabelek.

Karolina Michalak

Working with animals has always been her dream. She fulfilled it in 2015 when she  started working at an animal shelter, where she gained experience in post-operative care. Working in a hospital is her passion. At the same time, she completed a zoophysiotherapy course, which was inspired by her beloved German Shepherd dog. She also worked in a 24-hour clinic. She has always been interested in the topic of bites, so she completed a course as a trainer of bite prevention in educational institutions. She is constantly educating herself which led her to the path of dog sports and in 2022 she obtained the title of nosework instructor.

Privately, a caregiver of 3 dogs, 3 cats, a horse and a steppe tortoise, a lover of Polish true crime

Monika Gumieniczek

Is an animal enthusiast who combines her knowledge and experience in working with animals with a passion for education and helping others. She graduated with a degree in Animal Behavior from the University of Life Sciences in Lublin and is currently expanding her qualifications by pursuing training as a Veterinary Technician in Warsaw. She possesses extensive knowledge of animal behavior, particularly cats, and has participated in numerous courses on behavioral disorders in these animals. Additionally, she has attended training on the diseases of captive reptiles, which allows her to take a comprehensive approach to the care of various species. She is a certified COAPE petsitter and an instructor of horseback riding and hippotherapy, enabling her to work with a wide range of animals, both in behavioral management and rehabilitation support. Her experience is further enriched by volunteering, including at an exotic animal shelter in Lublin.

In her personal life, she is an avid lover of cats and reptiles. She runs a breeding program for bearded dragons, including unique individuals such as Lucjan and Sabinka. She is also the proud owner of two cats, Rudzia and Szarytka. In her free time, she enjoys horseback riding, cultivating exotic plants, and collecting cat-themed memorabilia. Her approach to animals is rooted in empathy, understanding, and professionalism. She ensures that every pet receives the best care, tailored to their individual needs and character.

Malwina Zdunek

Malwina Zdunek is a veterinary technician, having obtained her professional title in 2024. Her interest in working with animals began in early childhood, when she developed a fascination with their nature and anatomy. The decision to pursue studies in this field was a natural step, allowing her to combine her passion with her profession. During numerous professional internships, both at school and in veterinary clinics, she developed a particular interest in anesthesiology.

She is characterized by a great curiosity about the world, constantly asking questions and seeking thorough answers. In her personal life, guinea pigs hold a special place in her heart – she is the owner of two guinea pigs, Tofu and Carmen.

Justyna Dembal

A student at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at SGGW in Warsaw. She has been passionate about animals from an early age, which led her to pursue a career with them. She is particularly interested in surgery and an emergency medicine.

Outside of work, she enjoys traveling, music, and all kinds of physical activity.

Solomia Shiper

A graduate of Lviv’s Stefan Grzycki National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. Since the middle of her studies she has worked at a 24-hour clinic gaining experience from countless difficult challenging cases. She completed numerous international conferences and specialist courses, where she developed her knowledge of small animal veterinary medicine. Her greatest interests are soft tissue surgery and orthopedics. Currently, Solomia is in the process of nostrification of her diploma.

Privately, she loves traveling, mountains and outdoor activities. She has four cats, Oscar, Puma, Zhora and Ali, and wonderful dogs Leia, Jessie and Chet.

Aleksandra Juszczenko

She graduated from the Law University in Polotsk in 2005 and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in “State Management.” In her free time, she is involved in volunteer activities, helping repressed Belarusians and Russians. She loves animals, traveling, and learning new things about the culture and traditions of different countries. 


Karolina Milarska | SpecVet

Karolina Milarska


Karolina Milarska is a graduate of the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication. After graduation she moved to Great Britain, where she gained a lot of experience in direct client service. During her stay abroad, Karolina completed several courses, including a math course (Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics), and an English course (Functional Skills Qualification in English). Her communication skills are greatly appreciated by our patients’ Polish and foreign owners.

In her private life, she is the owner of a dog named Lusia and a lover of crime and thriller books.

Joanna Popławska | SpecVet

Joanna Jaskółowska

Client Service Coordinator

Joanna earned her master’s degree from the Military University of Technology, specializing in National Defense. While working at PZU as a customer service specialist, she gained a lot of professional experience on which to draw daily at SpecVet. 

In her private life, Joanna is an ailurophile and a parrot lover, but currently has two turtles.

Karolina Śmietana

Client Service Coordinator

Karolina graduated from the Center of Applied Pet Ethology. The diploma qualifies her to work as an animal behaviorist. As a professional groomer she found herself interested in pet behavior and emotions. Non-purebred dogs, their diversity and uniqueness are her biggest passion. Her aspiration in life is to socialize shelter and adopted pets. 

Karolina has two mongrels, Prazynka and Floki, with whom she spends her free time.

Aleksandra Łukasiak

Client Service Coordinator

Aleksandra graduated from the Faculties of Applied Linguistics and International Relations at the University of Warsaw. She has gained experience working in customer service and international forwarding. Aleksandra loves music, traveling and primitive dog breeds. 

She is an owner of an Akita named Whisky. 

Dominika Zozai

Client Service Coordinator

Dominika is a person with a background in philology and a passion for forein languages and cultures. She has studied English filology and currently plans to continue her education by pursuing Italian philology. Privately, she has a passion for cooking and discovering new flavors, as well as for learning languages, which allows her to better understand the world and its cultural diversity. 

She is also an animal lover, and at home, she is accompanied by her two feline sisters- Pola and Lola. 

Anna Grodecka

Client Service Coordinator

She is a graduate of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, where she obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Animal Behavior and a Master’s degree in Animal Therapy. Her passion for animals has been with her since childhood, and working with them is not just a profession but a calling. 

She combines her work at a veterinary clinic with leading alpaca therapy workshops for children and seniors. She is also the owner of three cats.

Anna Grodecka

Client Service Coordinator

Animal lover, passionately engaged in working with horses, training young horses and riders. Her commitment to working with animals is evident in every aspect of her life. Besides her love for horses, she is also a tattoo artist, which adds a unique character to her personality.

In her private life, she has two dogs, two horses, and a cat, which shows her dedication to the welfare of animals.