Dr. Agnieszka Neska-Suszyńska specializes in treating patients with kidney and urinary tract diseases, as well as in diagnosing endocrine disorders. In her Reference Veterinary Practice in Ursynów (a district of Warsaw), she consults nephrology cases from all over Poland, offering modern and comprehensive diagnostics and advanced medical treatments, including renal replacement therapies, such as hemodialysis.
Agnieszka graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) in 2006. Subsequently, she set out to gain expertise and develop her skills under the supervision of the best American veterinary internists at the Animal Medical Center in New York and at UC Davis (where she assisted in pioneering clinical trials, consulted atypical nephrology and intoxication cases, and applied specialist treatments involving hemodialysis and other detoxification techniques).
Dr. Agnieszka Neska-Suszyńska’s professional interests cover detoxification techniques, renal transplantation, glomerular diseases, and renal-origin anemias.